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Larry Selinker is one of the founders and original contributors to the research field of Second Language Acquisition.  He early on introduced the concepts:
- - interlanguage
- - fossilization
- - language transfer
- - learning and communication strategies
in his 1972 paper “Interlanguage” [International Review of Applied Linguistics. 10: 209-231] and has developed each concept carefully over the years.  In 1969, for example, he conducted one of the first empirical studies in "language transfer" research. [General Linguistics 9: 67-92].  The “Interlanguage” paper has been reprinted ten times in several languages.  
In 1992, he presented an historically-driven detailed update of the interlanguage hypothesis [Rediscovering Interlanguage, London: Longman], which in general still details his views on what interlanguage is all about. Consistently seeking a more unified account which would integrate concepts of "interdialect," "interculture," and "interliteracy" with new media, he is now preparing a 40-plus year fossilization study on participants first looked at in 1964.
With Susan Gass, he has written a popular introductory textbook in Second Language Acquisition (3rd edition, January, 2008 [Mahweh, NJ: Erlbaum]. He has held professorships at the Universities of Michigan and London and visiting professorships at various universities around the world. Currently, he is Visiting Professor at New York University and, exploring processes of "around sourcing," is helping to organize Research Production Associates.
[Click here for more detailed information about Larry Selinker.]